Please refer to the form example & F.A.Q. section if something doesn’t make sense.

What is the name of your Band / Project?
Where can we contact you?
What is the name of your song?
What is the Tempo / Beats Per Minute of your song?
What Key Signature is your song in?
What Time Signature is your song in?
What tuning are your instruments in?
Song Structure(Required)
What is the structure of your song? What part comes first, second, third? What is the name of each part? How many bars does the part go for? e.g. [Intro] [4] / [Verse] [16] - Please add as many fields as needed.
Section Name
# of Bars
What equipment is going to be needed? What section of the song will that instrument be on? e.g. [Drums] [SJC Drum Kit] [All] / [Bass] [Fender P Direct (no amp)] [Intro/Verse/Chorus] / [Rhythm Guitars] - Please add as many fields as needed.
Equipment Needed
Section Name
What are the lyrics to your song? Please define and label the section for each part. E.g. VERSE - You won't be prepared, They won't let you know CHORUS - IT'S A TICKING TIME BOMB!!

Song Structure Form Example

Frequently Asked Questions

How to find the Tempo / Beats Per Minute (BPM) of your song

How to find the Key Signature of your song

How to find the Time Signature of your song

How to find the Tuning you're in

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